48 killed in custody, ‘gunfights

48 people died in the police custody as well as at "gunfights" in the first nine months of the year, according to rights organization Ain o Salish Kendro yesterday.

Of the 34 killed, 34 were during so-called "crossfire", "gunfight", "exchange of fire" or "encounters" with law enforcement agencies, nine of them in firing, and four in the torture of law enforcement agencies. In addition, one person died from heart attacks after being detained by the police, as per the ASK report.

The report, using news reports published by various national newspapers the report said that one journalist was killed and 154 others were the victims of assaults, torture and cases of harassment throughout the time.

The rights group said that incidents of sexual harassment, rape and brutality against women as well as acid throwing and torture have increased over the past nine months of the year compared to similar period in the previous year.

A total of 1 085 women were sexually assaulted in the past nine months. Of these there were 203 gang-raped women 39 of them were killed following being raped and eight were killed from suicide following being raped. Additionally the 256 reported rape attempts, 256 raped incidents were reported over the course of the year in the report.

In the same time frame this year, at the very most 975 girls were raped according to the report.

ASK further stated that 101 women were victims of sexual harassment during the nine months of this year. Ten of them perished by suicide, while three were killed.

The report revealed that 71 men were under assault for protesting against the sexual harassment of women . Four of the victims were killed. Additionally, 527 women became victims of domestic violence. Of these, 303 were killed.

The report said that 182 women were beaten for dowry, and 60 were murdered. 38 domestic workers were tortured, and 12 those were killed, as the report said.

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